Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Keri's Wedding

Before I start on Keri's wedding and reception:
take a look at what was in Alaska a while back.
Hope you like that as much as I did.
Thanks to nephews in Alaska.
I am assuming the photographer in Utah will be sending the photos from there, as well as Bob letting me have access to the ones he took there and in Ramah.
I will post only a few and comment on them.

 After a beautiful ceremony in the Salt Lake Temple
it was off to Nat N Kyle's home for an open house.
The reception was in Ramah the next Saturday.
 Ramah now knows how to have a real party!
It was so authentic even the climate of the Philippines was imported for the occasion!
What a feast Mely and Bob provided.
 The cutting of the cake.
 Dancing with Dad.
 Dancing with Mom.

Now the archive. 

This is the home (As it is now) where my grandmother James lived and died. There has been a lot of modification to it but the rock and log rooms are original.
There was a screened in porch on the front where Grandma James slept summer AND winter.
My mom would go to check on her on winter mornings and all that was showing was her nose out of the covers with a ring of frost around it on the blanket.

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