Tuesday, May 3, 2011


What a time in Ramah! (:o(
The wind has been very bad this wintsprng.
Don't know what to call the season. 
Calendar says Spring, Choke Cherries agree,
but the thermometer says they are lying!
 Some days have been nice but the night are very cold. The air is
so dry what little moisture we have received is gone. 
The wind has been bad more than half of the days.
Nights have been in the teens!

Grandma Lu is not doing good, so  Carmen has been busy and
doing a lot more than she should have. But she doesn't stop but
just goes on. What an angel I have for a wife!
First she did a lot for my dad then for her dad then my mom;
now she cares for her mom 24/7 and does a very good job of it.
 When Grandma passes her death certificate will read
"Died of Sheer Stubbornness"
We both love her dearly but man she can be STUBBORN!
So much for the pontificating. 
Now for some funner stuff.

Recently we had a family dinner at PaPa N Grams.

It started by Emily inviting us to her house and wound up here.
This is a few shots of the evening.

I don't know how Les managed to get in so many. 
We just want the family to know how much we enjoyed having
them here and how pleasant an evening it was.

Now from the archive!
(If I have posted this one before - just blame the calender! PaPa is getting old.)

Grandma J, Dee, Shir and Lizzie.
If you see this post - PLEASE comment so we know you are out there.


  1. I love you Papa and I am excited to see you in a few months :D xoxo

  2. Love it! I'm sorry your weather has been crummy! Ours too, but thankfully we have avoided the flooding that has been all over everyone else in the Midwest. Our Bishop is in the thick of it right now helping with the water that has even reached as high as 35 feet over the poor farm houses and land!

    Thanks for posting pictures of the fam. It's good to see everyone. Wish we could come and visit!

  3. We loved reading this post! It was so fun to see pics of everyone! Looks like you guys had a great time! Much love!
