Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer is over

Summer was short this year! Little rain, terribly hot and dry, lots of fires. Some of the most desirable parts of New Mexico are gone - blackened burn scars that are now washing into the rivers and streams. Our garden was nearly a total bust - good squash and cucumbers, very little else, maybe 12 ears of corn and if the frost holds off 2 more weeks 6 - 8 tomatoes. (At 7,000 ft elevation that is a lot to hope for.) {:oP The rasberries will have a ton on if it doesn't freeze, and the grapes are few but very good. Flowers did above average - here is a small sample being held by Grandma Lou.

As you can see, the flowers are doing a lot better than Grandma Lou. She fell twice yesterday and Carmen is with her 24 - 7 now.
This past Sunday we sustained a new 
Bishop: Martin Gary Romine
He is Lisa Bond Romine's husband - Dean and Billie Bond's son-in-law. New counselers are: 
1st Mark Pierce Carling - new to Ramah, and
2nd Gerald Ward Richins, Husband of Dian Lambson Richins - son-in-law of Alma and Gladys Lambson.
Also last Saturday Ellen Lewis Rosequist. Ike and Varis Lewis' daughter passed away in Levan, Utah. 

This photo almost expresses how we feel about Lester's progress:
 We are soooo thankful for the restored Priesthood and GOOD people of other faiths who believe in expressing their Love  by praying for others in need. 
THANK YOU ALL! And you know who you are. We love you!
 Guess better put an archive:
Betty Leamon, Lucille Turner, 
Norma Hudson and Beth Lewis.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT post dad.... It was surprising to see all the news. The priesthood is restored thankfully.....What a blessing for the gospel to have that power to use and draw on in terrible circumstances.... LOVE YOU PAPA...... I posted new pics of Little Miss Ivy Ann..... kiss my mama and tell her I am with her 100% I know what she is doing is a blessed thing.... love you all so much. love deedee
