Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More archive stuff

While browsing a CD of my mother's old photo negatives, I came on something that brought back memories of what a brat I was while growing up (this phase only lasted until about 10 minutes ago. As Mr. Brummett says "You have to understand. My father had two very bad childhoods - his and mine.")

This photo was taken when I announced that I was running away to Gallup.
 The suitcase was an old discarded one and was as empty as my head. The boots were my dad's
rubber irrigation boots. The background includes the stairway to the cellar. This cellar was where our food was kept in the days before pantries, refrigerators and freezers. My mother never wanted to start winter with less than 1,000 jars of fruit, vegetables and meat.
The grin and attitude was borrowed from Nick.
Those of you who know Nick understand.

This photo was taken about the time when Grandma Johnston made her last trip to Ramah from her home in Mesa, Arizona.
Left to right and back to front:
Aunt Rebeckah Johnston Day, Ellen Jane Perks Johnston, Mary Eliza Bloomfield James,
Zella Day Brokaw, Odet Johnston Bloomfield, and Jennie James Gallagher Johnston. The location is by the old home of Joe and Rebeckah Day, West of town. The place is now owned by Steve Davis.
I have heard stories about Grandma Ellen Johnston and Grandma Eliza James performing at a Pioneer Day celebration here in Ramah. I will investigate the particulars and include them some time in the future.
Love to you all.


  1. I see you are doing what we have been doing the last month, scanning old pictures. We should have done it before mom died. Will send you a few for identification. Would also like to copy some you have for distribution to family, if that's OK.
    Jim and Barbara
