Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Really BAD Spring

We have never had a spring like this one!
First, there was very little winter moisture, then, it was bitter cold through all of what was usually spring. 
(Look at the previous blog.)
It finally warmed enough for the chokecherries
to blossom. One actually set on 5 cherries before
they froze.
Then the wind came and stayed, and stayed
and is still here.
Wild fires have been burning up the Southwest
for weeks on end. One huge one just over the
border in Arizona, (actually is now into New Mexico),
has made so much smoke that it has reached past 
Albuquerque, and has made it hard to see here.
Friday,Saturday, and Sunday we couldn't see one fourth
of the way across the valley. Today is better as the
wind has shifted more to the West, but a large
grey cloud is visable on the Southern horizon.
Saturday and Sunday mornings the car had
ashes on it.

Not everything has been negative as these
photos show:

One of the yellow Iris had 21 blooms and
another had 18!
The tomatoes are in bloom, the butternut, zucchini,
spaghetti, and yellow summer squashes are 
doing well. If only we could get some rain.

Short but wanted you to see the flowers.

Now the archive:

PaPa and Dee in Colton, CA 1957

Love to you all.
(Please comment if you read this blog. 
The stats are frustrating to read and
not know who in U. S., France, Germany,
Indonesia, Canada, etc. is reading.)


  1. Hey Papa! Love the posts! I loved the picture of Gram pregnant! How fun to see that! I could see my mom in her VERY much in that picture.

    Also: You are going to lose your bet. I'm so sorry. I would have LOVED to beat Karen, but I don't think it's gonna happen. :( I have an appointment on Friday- my due date. We'll probably schedule an induction then.

    Love to you all!

  2. I love your blog. It's a highlight to my day I see a new post. I especially like the older photos. It helps me get to know the family better and they are just fun.

  3. I'm still reading!!!!
    Love you Papa!!

  4. THIS picture is my photo on facebook page.... EVERYONE LOVES and thinks my PAPA is the most handsome man... love deedee

  5. we read this blog! Rarely from Indonesia though.
